Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So here is a picture of me at 17 weeks! (Doing the Beyonce pose!)  You can see I'm starting to get a little bump.  Nugget is growing and I'm always hungry!  I hope I'm that girl that only looks pregnant from the front, ha...we'll see. There are a lot of wonderful things to say about being pregnant...but I have to say it sure does take a toll on your body.  An article posted on claims, "You'll never look the same in a bathing suit again".  Aaaahhhhh!  What's a girl to do?  Well, I'm not going down without a fight, so today I'm going to share a couple things I've picked along the way to help me win this battle!

First, I've been wearing "mum" shorts!  I actually know the lady who designed these.  She's a fellow mompreneur and good friend of mine.  I started wearing her compression shorts about a month ago, when I started to feel some back pain.  I have to say they are wonderful!  As soon as I put them on I feel like someone is hugging me in all the right places.  I feel supported and my back pain is significantly reduced.

Second, I lather up!  Every morning and night I've been using these creams to help prevent those unwanted stretch marks.  A little expensive, but being a coupon cutter allows me to save on some stuff and splurge on others.  Do they work?  Actually, I don't know, and probably I won't know until after I have the baby.  But I smell good and feel great and that's all that matters right now!

Third, I bought new shoes!  I know these aren't no Jimmy Choos, but at this point, I DON'T CARE!  They are sooo comfortable.  I searched high and low for the perfect preggy shoe.  I wanted something cute with lots of support.  When I put these on I immediately felt like Cinderella.  It's like the soles were perfectly molded for my feet.  I love them!

As I sit back and look at all the things I've bought, I realize that what I'm really battling here is FEAR! The fear of what's going to happen to me physically and how my life is going to change.  But I have to remind myself that fear is the enemy...and the best defense is to trust in the Lord.  So I truck on and patiently wait for my little miracle to be born!

Mathew 6:25-27.  DO NOT WORRY “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"


  1. You make a very attractive pregnant lady! Love those shoes, btw. Keep on truckin' sweetie...

  2. If we're ever able to get pregnant again, I will definitely have to check out those pregnancy shorts!
